Donations to the foundation Dutch Strength

The foundation Dutch Strength has been founded by Tom Bruijnen – owner of the brandname Dutch Strength (registered 2013) and small business Sportquest (started at 1992).

At the moment he sponsors all activities at the gym and the olympic weightlifting Dutch Strength team with his company. He is helped by appr. 30 volunteers and tries to create a full board of members, lacking at the moment a secretary and treasurer.

Contact him if you want to become a board member! All support including his training & coaching related to e.g. the olympic weighlifting team is non-profit, therefore at the moment we use the gifts to make the activities possible with direct costs like the website, trainingmaterials and clothing of the competitive weighlifting team. The foundation is registerd at the chambre of commerce in Amsterdam 1623850681.

Gifts can be donated to the gofundme site and all usage is specified.